Marriage and Couples
Family counseling, also called couples therapy, helps couples married or not, understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship. Marriage counseling gives couples the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, problem solve and even argue in a healthier way.
Family Counseling
Family therapy is based on the belief that the family is a unique social system with its own structure and patterns of communication. These patterns are determined by many factors, including the parents' beliefs and values, the personalities of all family members, and the influence of the extended family (grandparents, aunts, and uncles). As a result of these variables, each family develops its own unique personality, which is powerful and affects all of its members. During our sessions we teach family members about how families function in general and, in particular, how their own functions. Helps the family focus less on the member who has been identified as ill and focus more on the family as a whole. Assists in identifying conflicts and anxieties and helps the family develop strategies to resolve them. Strengthens all family members so they can work on their problems together. Teaches ways to handle conflicts and changes within the family differently. Sometimes the way family members handle problems makes them more likely to develop symptoms.